Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wednesday Track

It was a fun day to work out at the track. No wind, and a good group, Dan, Justin, Andy, Mark, Greg, Erin and Brad. After a fairly quick warm up at about 7:15 pace, Dan and I were trying to figure out what workout to do. The others were doing mile repeats, and we figured we could keep their pace for about 1 lap, so that's what we did. Do a 400 at about 1:15-1:20 pace, an easy jog 400, then catch back up to them on the last lap. It worked pretty well for a couple of times, then we decided to do a few 800s, then a mile to finish it off. All in all I felt it was my first solid workout since Boston, and I was very pleased how consistent my times were. The cool down was a lot of fun, with Erin leading the way, again, at about a 7:15 pace. I think she has really started to see the value of running with such a great group. Since neither one of us puts in the kind of miles or even volume for the track workouts, you can really have a lot of fun on the cool down, once you get used to it. And, she brought cookies to Armadillos. I don't think you could ask for anything more.

My times were:

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